All the features you need to find, hire, onboard,
and manage the best.
200+ free and premium job boards
When you submit a job ad, Workable automatically posts it to up to 200+ job sites at once to make sure you reach more people in less time.
Translate every step of your hiring process — from job post to job offer — with native language options, available in six languages.
Create a great careers page, no coding required. Each page is mobile-friendly, and includes search, filtering and auto-fill applications by default.
400m+ searchable candidate profiles
Workable’s People Search technology helps you filter millions of candidate profiles by your ideal criteria to quickly source your ideal candidates.
AI-powered candidate recommendations
After analyzing your job ad, AI Recruiter searches over 400 million candidate profiles to find the most qualified for you to review.
With the click of a button, Workable’s AI identifies 1000+ of your top passive candidates, then displays your job ad in their social media feeds.
Referrals portal with reporting
Tap your employees and their networks to source qualified candidates with advanced referrals, a turnkey platform for referrals and internal jobs.
Candidate-friendly applications
Make it easy for candidates to apply, wherever and whenever they’re ready, with mobile-friendly, auto-fill forms and one-click application support.
Connect Workable to LinkedIn Recruiter to access information when and where you need it, without having to switch between platforms.
Use Workable’s job board to reach relevant candidates via job recommendation emails and source resumes from opted-in candidates.
Chrome extension
Source in candidates anywhere online, including LinkedIn. Our LinkedIn-approved extension can instantly add a LinkedIn profile to Workable.
Limit unconscious bias by hiding identifying details about the candidate from their CV, which become viewable once a screening decision has been made.
Ensure fair and objective evaluations with guided tools that ensure hiring teams ask questions and assess candidates consistently.
Get succinct summaries of candidate profiles for a quick overview of a candidate's skills and experience.
Screen candidates at scale with Video Interviews, Workable's native, premium one-way screening tool — and faster alternative to phone screens.
Our cognitive and personality pre-employment tests are backed by science and delivered directly through the Workable platform.
Workable syncs with Google, Outlook and other popular email and calendar apps, so you can keep in touch with candidates and teams in any inbox.
Easily arrange virtual meetings for team members with our seamless Zoom integration.
70+ third-party tools, built right in
We integrate with 70+ recruiting and HR tools, so you can assess, background check and onboard your next great employee, all in Workable.
Gather feedback from coworkers or references with candidate profile sharing and get comments, start discussions and prepare for interviews.
Simplify hiring team collaboration with tools that manage confidentiality and define which users can (and should) perform which tasks.
Track candidate information that’s important to your business by adding your own profile fields while keeping sensitive data like expected or offered salary protected.
Available for iOS and Android, Workable’s 4-star mobile app helps teams keep hiring moving, even when they’re not behind a desk.
Convenient interview scheduling
Reduce admin with candidate self-scheduling, one-click calendar integrations and scheduling support for multi-part and two-way live interviews.
Speed up time to hire by automating repetitive tasks and emails. Develop custom email templates, then create automation by job, department or hiring stage.
Modernize your candidate experience and make it easy to reach candidates quickly, wherever they are.
Advanced reporting and analytics
Instantly see and share the data that matters with automated reports. Or dig deeper on your own — Workable integrates with your favorite BI tools.
Offer letters and approval workflows
Speed up executive sign-off and get candidate signatures faster with offer letter templates, approval workflows, e-signatures and more.
Custom pipelines
Hire how you like to with pipelines that can be customized to reflect your unique hiring needs and processes.
Department hierarchy
Organize jobs and tools by department to match company structure and ensure the right teams follow the right process.
GDPR, CCPA & EEOC/OFCCP compliance
Navigate local, national and international law with automated tools and reports that take the effort out of compliance, wherever you’re hiring.
Gauge candidate sentiment and gather feedback by surveying applicants with custom forms.
Workable integrates with a variety of SSO providers to help you control access and keep your data safe.
Technical tools
Get access to a Developer API, plus the option to link up Workable with your Business Intelligence tools.
Requisition and budgeting workflows
Keep stakeholders aligned with a centralized workspace for budgeting, hiring and requisition approval workflow management.
Salary estimator
Access accurate salary insights and enhance your hiring and budgeting approach effortlessly (additional cost).
New hire onboarding portal with e-signatures
Workable Onboarding provides an onboarding portal to serve as their “home base” during onboarding with welcome messages, e-signable docs and more.
Create onboarding templates in just a few minutes and apply it to specific locations, or departments, so you’re always ready to onboard your next hire.
The HR team will always know the status of each new hire – from when their onboarding starts, ends, and what items they’ve completed.
Always collect the right information with customizable profile templates for different departments and locations.
Employee self-editable profiles
Reduce manual data change requests by empowering employees to update their own personal details.
Organized, searchable company file storage
Keep everything in a secure place and manage access to company-wide documents and e-signed files.
Fillable document templates with e-signatures
Build signable documents with the style and branding of your company making it easy for new employees to review and sign.
Get a real-time view of your company's structure, updated automatically whenever a new hire is added to the system, or an employee leaves the company.
Use searching and filtering options to find and connect with any employee at your organization.
Employees can track and request time off, complete with managerial approval workflows and an integrated company calendar to know who’s out.
Employee attendance coming soon
Make it easy for employees & managers to track time and attendance.
Performance management coming soon
Empower your people to grow, develop, and succeed with our upcoming performance management tools.
Export all the reports you need for payroll to CSV and integrate with top payroll providers like ADP, Xero and more.
Don’t let a question slow you down. Our award-winning support team responds to call or chat inquiries in less than 25 seconds.
Our dedicated product specialists will have your teams up and running in days, not months — and remain available to answer questions at any time.
Your data’s in good hands: Workable is ISO-certified, which means we meet the highest worldwide security and data protection standards.
Standard data import
If you already have candidate data, bring it into Workable to continue hiring and store old notes, feedback and resumes.
Premium support
Consultation, advice and bespoke onboarding from a Workable account manager helps get results and improve recruiting performance.